Reduce Stress

Mental Health is becoming more talked about in the media and society, so many people are diagnosed with depression or anxiety all the time! perhaps the world needs to be a little nicer and be nicer to ourselves also. Anxiety attacks and Depressive episodes can be caused by high levels of stress, so here are some tips that may help you....

Reducing Stress!

-Go swimming, for me this isn't something that helps as i feel more anxious in a swimming costume but a lot of people who arent as body conscious find laps or even just floating, very relaxing. 

-Eat some chocolate, OK this one works for me? Im not sure if its just a female thing but we all know chocolate releases some sort of happiness chemical. Any chocolate will do, its all amazing (apart from chocolate with raisins, that i dont agree with).

-Say 'No', tell yourself thats ok and feel good about it, Stop saying yes to certain things you know are wrong/bad for you and be happy with saying No. If you dont wanna lend someone something? that is also ok, you can say NO, dont feel bad for that? 

-Speak to old friends, Certain people we stop speaking to for a reason and bringing them back into our life isnt a good choice. Threw life we meet so many people and maybe we only spoke once but what if they could do with a chat also? what if that chatty girl on holiday does still wanna hang out. Hit em up.

-Prepare for tomorrow, Yes some days it hard to even prepare for today but on a good day thats your chance! pair all your socks to this weeks shoes, pack lunch, freeze leftovers, set tv reminders and sleep well.

-Count your blessings, list all the great things you have/have done in life. The hot Water running through the pipes, the wife you go home too, the pet you cuddle to sleep, the child you feed, the straining 9-5 job you just got and the roof over your head. Even if its just small things, its good to remind yourself of whats around you and appreciate that.

-Make time for yourself, Dont stress over things that arent important and do what NEEDS to be done just include a few things you actually WANT to do. Dont allow your body to be run down, make time for exercise and sleep(healthy balance). Take time out doing something you love, from reading a book to a holiday skiing.

I will probably add more on to here shortly, hope this helps for now!



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